It was the last day of my free 90-day gameplay. I went to Warzone in L.Guinto and bought some cards to reload my account when I felt an urge to play for at least an hour. And so I did, even if I am sleepy because of the last night's work at a call center. I am actually not in the mood to grind for just an hour so I just spent my time doing MM window shopping. Then suddenly in the Faction's chat window, a factionmate posted the appearance of Gurrero at channel 2 Gehenna Bridge. It wasn't my first time joining Guerrero Raid, as you can see above I died several times. I went immediately, equipped with my LOAA +94% attack to demons (cool huh? ^^). As expected, my fighter died ( my characters are only level 95 that time with no elite equips ) but my wizard was able to survive because she can fight in range. I can see the HP of Guerrero going down until loots scattered on the floor. I was really surprised to see one item highlighted with my family name. Wow! It's a wooden controller. ^^ Haha. It was my first time to get a Raid Boss loot and it was a very good one. It was really one lucky day. Now I'm more eager to join boss hunting, hoping to get elites next time.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Journey: One Lucky Day
It was the last day of my free 90-day gameplay. I went to Warzone in L.Guinto and bought some cards to reload my account when I felt an urge to play for at least an hour. And so I did, even if I am sleepy because of the last night's work at a call center. I am actually not in the mood to grind for just an hour so I just spent my time doing MM window shopping. Then suddenly in the Faction's chat window, a factionmate posted the appearance of Gurrero at channel 2 Gehenna Bridge. It wasn't my first time joining Guerrero Raid, as you can see above I died several times. I went immediately, equipped with my LOAA +94% attack to demons (cool huh? ^^). As expected, my fighter died ( my characters are only level 95 that time with no elite equips ) but my wizard was able to survive because she can fight in range. I can see the HP of Guerrero going down until loots scattered on the floor. I was really surprised to see one item highlighted with my family name. Wow! It's a wooden controller. ^^ Haha. It was my first time to get a Raid Boss loot and it was a very good one. It was really one lucky day. Now I'm more eager to join boss hunting, hoping to get elites next time.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Journey: A picture to keep
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Journey: Outcasts Faction, the Faction Quests
It was Saturday, and as planned, we did our Faction Quest LVL 51 and 52. We started it by taking pictures of the group.
Anyway, after those say-cheese moments, we headed to Vegas Javier and prepared for the Great Hill Giant (GHG)
Actually, I have no intention to fight. I just wanna take some screenshots. :P
A close up of my characters.
And there is the Great Hill Giant. Stepping on me like i am just one of Catherine's dolls.
It was then time to face the Chrysallis.
13 brave people willing to sacrifice their lives. Lols.
Burp! It was then time to rest and prepare for the last fight. It's a bit crowded though inside Princess' room.

Too crowded that when it was time to start the last mission my PC crushed down and I never got to join. *sob* Well the story won't be complete if I don't post at least a screenshot of what happened inside. Above is a shot taken by our deputy †Bayushi†. Thanks fafs! And cheers to our faction -- Go Outcasts! :D
Friday, November 2, 2007
Viki the Summoner
Summoning Stance Description
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Granado Espada Ver 2.2
The journey starts here...
Welcome guys! Finally, I have my very own Granado Espada gamer blog. I can finally share my experiences in playing this awesome game. Well I'm still thinking on what to post. I've been very busy lately levelling my characters. But I promise you will see a lot of useful and interesting articles here but kindly be patient because I don't have much available time. I am hoping I will get a lot of readers here. And also I hope you guys visit my fellow GE players blogs. Join me and the Christus Family in our journey to Granado Espada. ^^