Recommended Level 110+ Expert
1. Andre's Message
- Completed all Martial Artists' NPC Recruitment Quest. Completed Expert MMA Stance Quest. Quest triggers automatically upon moving to any town.
- None
- Talk to Andre at Cite de Reboldoeux
2. Call of Fritz (1)
- Completed Andre's Message task.
- None
- Talk to Feng Ling at Bahia Port
- Defeat Feng Ling in an instanced battle. Talk to her again after the fight.
3. Call of Fritz (2)
- Completed Call of Fritz (1)
- None
- Talk to Bai Hu in Auch
- A "battle scene" will start between Bai Hu and Feng Ling. Talk to Bai hu again after the fight.
4: Call of Fritz (3)
- Completed Call of Fritz (2)
- EXP Card, Epic Grade Glazium
- Talk to Jean-Pierre Gascon in Auch
- He will ask for assistance in solving the plague of rats in Auch.
Eekk, a rat!
First mission, just kill every rat you will see until reinforcements arrive. Then talk to Jean again. Second Mission, do same task in the first mission. Talk to Jean again. Final Mission, kill the rats in the first few minutes, then when they start to gather and move to some part of Auch, follow them. You will encounter Vicente Rio playing his lute. Defeat Rio. Talk to Jean again. A funny dialogue between Simon and Rio will start. After that talk to Jean and receive your rewards.
I wonder what will be the reaction of Princess Gabriella
if her town gets plague with rats. Clever Simon Ayende.
5. Call of Fritz (5)
- Completed Call of Fritz (4)
- None
- Talk to Gracielo in Coimbra. He will ask you to go away because he is busy doing errands for Camille. Just keep on talking to him, until he gets mad and you will be warped to an instance battle with him. Defeat Gracielo and then talk to him again. He will ask for something to eat. Bring him 1 of each, Chocolate, Feruccio Bread, and Milk. Then Talk to him again.
6. Call of Fritz (6)
- Completed Call of Fritz (5)
- None
- Talk to Irawan. A scoundrel will get into the scene, asking payment for what Irawan has borrowed, but the thief will be asking for a huge interest, so you will lend help to Irawan, you can choose either to pay the debt with interest or choose to fight. If you choose second you will be warped to an instance battle with thieves, you will be able to defeat them easily. A Coimbra Trooper will then get into the scene, accusing poor Irawan that he is the one that started the commotion, he will then ask Irawan for a bribe or else he will be imprisoned, so you will lend help to Irawan again, you can choose to pay the soldier or choose to fight. If you choose the second you will be sent to an instance battle with troopers, defeat them and Nunez will then appear to stop the fight, talk to Nunez and he will apologize and promised to punish the corrupt soldiers. Talk to Irawan again after the scene.
Head Squat?
7. Follow Fritz
- Competed Call of Fritz (6)
- None
- Talk to Andre. He will ask you to follow Master Fritz in Port of Byron.
8. Militia Leader, Wheelton (1-2)
- Completed Follow Fritz task. Quest will trigger upon warping to Port of Byron.
- None
- Talk to Wheelton in Byron using a Martial Artist Character (Gracielo, Irawan, Feng Ling, or Bai Hu, not sure why Jean-Pierre was not included).
- After some dialogue, a guard will report some monster invasion in Crow Forest due to their reaction to the Moon. Wheelton will ask for assistance, prepare your team and talk again to Wheelton using again an MA character and choose to help him, you will be warp to Crow Forest for survival battle. You must try to survive the battle until the time runs out, some soldiers will be coming to help but they will just die easily from the mobs, levitating characters will be useful here since most mobs in Forest cannot hit flying. Talk to Wheelton after the scene. He will ask you to talk to Thief Taikbin for more info on Master Fritz.
9. Thief Taikbin
- Completed Militia Leader Wheelton (2)
- None
- Talk to Thief Taikbin in Byron. He will tell you that Master Fritz had some meetings with Dean and you'll need to defeat him to get more info about the whereabouts of Master Fritz. After defeating Dean and his gang you will soon realized that the thief just wants to use you to take revenge against Dean. Talk to Thief Taikbin again and he will finally tell you that Master Fritz went to Lucifer Castle to meet someone there.
10: Hunter June needs Liquified Gas
- Completed Thief Taikbin task
- You won't be able to enter Lucifer Castle free until you finished the "Lucifer Castle Admission" quest. You can still go inside through the guard in Byron Crow Forest but for a price of 1 Elemental Jewel. It is recommended that you remove the seal of Lucifer Castle first before proceeding with the quest because you will be speaking with Hunter June several times and it will be costly if you will use the entrance from the guard.
Crow Forest Managing Guard

- Lucifer Castle Basement Laboratory is full of very strong monsters, these monster will not hit you unless you get too close to them, the only problem you will have are the Culvert Frogfishes and sometimes the mini boss Mutated Frogfish that appears in the entrance of the basement (see green box in the map), there is no way to avoid them from noticing you, they can also see through invisibility, one technique you can use is using Protection Field, and move speed buffs to outran these monsters until you reach the middle area. After passing through the frogfishes you will encounter a maze of rotating blades in the middle (see blue box). Do not go though the maze because a boss King Betelguese is waiting in the center of that area. You can walk around the blades, just near the cages on the sides, until you reach Hunter June (see red circle). Be very careful because there are some monsters that are lurking around, but those that are immobile you can easily pass them, just don't try to get close.

Hi there! Frogfish
- None
- Once you have access to Lucifer Castle Basement Laboratory, go to NPC Hunter June and talk to him using any MA Character (except Jean-Pierre). He will then tell you his tragic life story and eventually ask you to give him Liquified Gas x 1. If you have it in inventory that's good, if not you have to warp out again and enter the castle passing through the strong monsters once more.
I think I've seen you before?
11. Bait Box at Crow Forest (Repeatable)
- Completed Hunter June needs Liquified Gas
- Veteran G EXP Card x 3
- After giving the Liquified Gas to Hunter June, he will ask you to go to Crow Forest to check his Bait Boxes.
Locations of Bait Boxes
A Bait Box
- After clicking on all the boxes, return to Hunter June, he will then reward you 3 x Veteran G EXP Cards. You can repeatedly check the boxes once everyday and go to Hunter June to get the same rewards.
Update: When v9.5 got implemented in sGE, a new quest shows when you talk to Hunter June, which requires bringing an MA character again to talk to him. No battles required, just watch the story. Afterwards, Hunter June will give you Expert G Cards x 3. Just a bit of spoiler, the story seems to be linked to Gracielo. During Gracielo recruitment quest wherein he accidentally killed Camille's brother, he wasn't killed at all. Fritz was able to save him, and his whereabouts are currently unknown. What's interesting is, when Gracielo approached Fritz to take his tests for repenting for his sins, Fritz knew that Gracielo is innocent yet he didn't bare the truth to the poor lad. Anyway, it also seems that Hunter June has more mysteries to reveal about his real identity. We will see in the future once the questline continues. ^_^